As mentioned in other posts, 1st deployment was torture...I spent most of my time crying! I was a big ball of pity and was very "woe is me". In a nut shell, I was miserable and nothing was going to change that until Kale was back with me. This is a picture of a hoodie that I wore all the time...February was (obviously) homecoming
Second deployment was a 180 from the 1st one. During the 7 months in between him coming home from first deployment to him deploying to Afghanistan, not only had I made a lot of military spouse friends but I moved down to NC. Moving down and being with people in the same situation as me didnt allow me to pull my "woe is me" crap anymore. So I stayed very positive, was very busy with school and friends and the months really flew by! I also had Coop, who loved helping me make carepackes!
When word came that deployment #3 was in the works, I thought "no sweat". Not only was he going on a MEU which meant he would most likely not have to see combat but I am used to him being gone for long periods of time so it should be just as easy, if not easier this time around.
Nope...I am so over this deployment. I dont know what it is but I was so proud of how well I was doing last deployment and really surprised myself at how positive and upbeat I stayed. Now that I knew that I could act that way, I was just expected to. So now, its almost as if I wont have that major personal accomplishment like last deployment which makes me feel so over it. Thats the only way I can describe it...I am OVER it!
Now, Im not complaining per say about this deployment but just my attitude about it. I wish I had a better attititude about the whole thing...but I dont see it changing any time soon but its something that I need to get used to because I highly doubt that will be our last deployment...
Can it be homecoming time again so I can do this...
and this....
and last but not least lots of this...
This concludes my whiney, annoying, complaining post about me being whiney, annoying and a complainer!