Monday, January 31, 2011

Marine Corps Monday...coming soon!

So for the month of February- I want to remind myself why I love the life I lead so I want to focus on the not-so-obvious reasons why I love living the Marine Corps lifestyle!

Obviously I love the pride I feel in my husband and my country, I love the free health insurance that we get, I love the uniform (who doesnt!), I love the family that is developed in this lifestyle.  Those things are all obvious, and everyone seems to know about so I thought I would focus on the not so recognized aspects that I really enjoy!

So for the next 4 Mondays (all of February)- check back to see some of my reasons that I love my life as a Marine wife!


  1. Kudos to you, Colleen. I've been feeling much less "good" about Marine Corps since we started RD and I realized that I may never be a senior executive because we won't be in one spot long enough for tenure to accumulate.

    Interesting USA Today article = first lady Obama is asking our country to do more than just thank our troops ... and HIRE THEIR SPOUSES, despite a rather mobile lifestyle.

    so perhaps there IS hope for us wives to become senior executives!


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